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Configure Analytics for Choreo Insights

Step 1 - Generate On-prem Key

  1. Sign in to Choreo.

  2. Go to Settings > On-prem Keys and click on Generate Key button.

  3. Copy the generated on-prem key.

Step 2 - Configure APK

  1. Create a secret containing the Choreo Auth URL and the Choreo token using the following command. Replace the choreo-on-prem-key value with your on-prem key generated in Step 1.

    kubectl create secret generic choreo-analytics-secret --from-literal=authToken='<choreo-on-prem-key>' --from-literal=authURL='' -n apk
    kubectl create secret generic <secret-name> --from-literal=authToken='<choreo-on-prem-key>' --from-literal=authURL='' -n <namespace>
  2. Follow the instructions outlined in the customize configurations section. These instructions will guide you through the process of acquiring the values.yaml file, which you will then use to tailor the analytics configurations to your specific needs.

  3. Replace secret-name in the following configuration with the name of the secret you created in the previous step.

     enabled: true
     - enabled: true
       type: "default"
       secretName: <secret-name>

  4. Open the values.yaml file, and add the above configuration to the gatewayRuntime section under dp. Your values.yaml file should have a structure as follows:

          enabled: true
          - enabled: true
            type: "default"
            secretName: <secret-name>
Then redeploy the helm chart with the changes in values.yaml.

Optional - Adding Multiple Publishers

You can also set multiple publishers for analytics as follows. Replace choreo-secret-name and moesif-secret-name with the appropriate values.

    enabled: true
      - enabled: true
        type: "default"
        secretName: <choreo-secret-name>
      - enabled: true
        type: "elk"
      - enabled: true
        type: "moesif"
        secretName: <moesif-secret-name>

Step 3 - View Analytics Data

  1. After setting up the enforcer, invoke a few requests (success and failure) for a deployed API.

  2. Go to Choreo Insights and select the correct environment to view the analytics data.

Following are some of the graphs generated in the Choreo Insights.

Choreo Insights Overview

Choreo Insights Latency