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Backend JWT Manipulation Policy via APK Conf

Step 1 - Get the API configuration

Save the following content into a file named TestBackendJWT.apk-conf. You can use this apk-conf file for the rest of this guide.

name: "test-backend-jwt"
basePath: "/backend-jwt"
version: "1.0"
type: "REST"
defaultVersion: false
   endpoint: ""
   - target: "/test"
     verb: "GET"
     secured: true
     scopes: []

Step 2 - Add the API Policy for Backend JWT

A sample API Policy used for sending a JWT to the backend is given below.

   - policyName: "BackendJwt"
       encoding: Base64
       signingAlgorithm: SHA256withRSA
       header: X-JWT-Assertion
       tokenTTL: 3600
       - claim: claim1
         value: value1
       - claim: claim2
         value: value2

The configurations that you need when attaching API Policies for Backend JWT manipulation are available in Backend JWT Configurations section.

The above policy will send the following claims to the backend under the header "X-JWT-Assertion".

  claim1: value1
  claim2: value2

The sample APK configuration content after the modification is shown below.

name: "test-backend-jwt"
basePath: "/backend-jwt"
version: "1.0"
type: "REST"
defaultVersion: false
   endpoint: ""
   - target: "/test"
     verb: "GET"
     secured: true
     scopes: []
   - policyName: "BackendJwt"
       encoding: Base64
       signingAlgorithm: SHA256withRSA
       header: X-JWT-Assertion
       tokenTTL: 3600
       - claim: claim1
         value: value1
       - claim: claim2
         value: value2

Step 3 - Deploy the API in APK

Refer to the Deploy the API to deploy the API using APK configuration.

Step 4 - Generate an Acess Token

Follow the Generate Access Token documentation to generate an access token.

Step 5 - Invoke the API

You can invoke the API using the following command.

curl --location '' \
--header 'Host:' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <accessToken>

Since this guide uses the httpbin service which echoes the request and all of its headers,you will see a response similar to the following when you invoke the API. The header "X-Jwt-Assertion" contains the generated JWT containing the claims.

"headers": {
        "Accept": "*/*",
        "Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate, br",
        "Host": "",
        "X-Jwt-Assertion": "eyJraWQiOiI4.....9UcOovptvkajf6xUqUbIJfMQp9g"

Backend JWT API Policy configuration

The configurable fields of the above API policy have been described below.

Field Description
encoding The encoding mechanism used to encode the Backend JWT.
signingAlgorithm The signing algorithm used to sign the Backend JWT.
header The name of the HTTP header to which the Backend JWT is attached and sent to the backend.
tokenTTL The expiry time of the Backend JWT.
customClaims List of custom claims that needs to be added to the Backend JWT.
claim Name of the claim to send in the BackendJWT.
value Value of the claim to send in the BackendJWT.