GraphQL, which has been developed by Facebook, is a data query language for APIs. When using GraphQL, users can explicitly specify as to what data they need from an API. GraphQL APIs are an alternative to REST-based APIs.
You can use a Schema Definition Language (SDL) schema to design a GraphQL API in WSO2 APK, similar to developing REST APIs using OpenAPI Specifications (a.k.a. Swagger Definitions).
This guide will walk you through the process of creating and deploying a GraphQL API using the WSO2 APK REST API. We will use the Star Wars API as an example in this guide.
Sample Backend for GraphQL¶
A sample GraphQL backend for the Star Wars GraphQL API can be created using the following command. You may have to replace the namespace value in the above CRs to match your namespace.
kubectl apply -f -n <namespace>
You can check the status of the pods by using
kubectl get pods -n <namespace>
Creating and deploying a GraphQL API¶
Follow the instructions below to design a GraphQL API.
Download and save the sample StarWarsAPI.graphql file. This is the GraphQL SDL of the API that we are going to deploy in APK.
Execute the following request to generate the APK configuration. Use the values provided in the table below in the body of your request.
Field Value definition StarWarsAPI.graphql
file that was downloaded at the beginning of Step 1.curl --location 'https://<host>:9095/api/configurator/1.2.0/apis/generate-configuration' \ --header 'Host: <host>' \ --form 'apiType="GRAPHQL"' \ --form 'definition=@"<path/to/StarWarsAPI.graphql>"'
curl -k --location '' \ --header 'Host:' \ --form 'definition=@"/Users/user/StarWarsAPI.graphql"' \ --form 'apiType="GRAPHQL"'
name: "" basePath: "/" version: "" type: "GRAPHQL" defaultVersion: false subscriptionValidation: false operations: - target: "hero" verb: "QUERY" secured: true scopes: [] - target: "reviews" verb: "QUERY" secured: true scopes: [] - target: "search" verb: "QUERY" secured: true scopes: [] - target: "character" verb: "QUERY" secured: true scopes: [] - target: "droid" verb: "QUERY" secured: true scopes: [] - target: "human" verb: "QUERY" secured: true scopes: [] - target: "allHumans" verb: "QUERY" secured: true scopes: [] - target: "allDroids" verb: "QUERY" secured: true scopes: [] - target: "allCharacters" verb: "QUERY" secured: true scopes: [] - target: "starship" verb: "QUERY" secured: true scopes: [] - target: "createReview" verb: "MUTATION" secured: true scopes: [] - target: "reviewAdded" verb: "SUBSCRIPTION" secured: true scopes: []
You will get the apk-conf file content as the response, as seen in the above sample response. Save this content into a file named
. You will need to fill in the name, basePath, version and endpoint configuration fields before deploying the "Starwars API" basePath: "/starwars" version: "1.0.0" type: "GRAPHQL" defaultVersion: false subscriptionValidation: false endpointConfigurations: production: endpoint: "http://graphql-faker-service:9002/graphql" operations: - target: "hero" verb: "QUERY" secured: true scopes: [] - target: "reviews" verb: "QUERY" secured: true scopes: [] - target: "search" verb: "QUERY" secured: true scopes: [] - target: "character" verb: "QUERY" secured: true scopes: [] - target: "droid" verb: "QUERY" secured: true scopes: [] - target: "human" verb: "QUERY" secured: true scopes: [] - target: "allHumans" verb: "QUERY" secured: true scopes: [] - target: "allDroids" verb: "QUERY" secured: true scopes: [] - target: "allCharacters" verb: "QUERY" secured: true scopes: [] - target: "starship" verb: "QUERY" secured: true scopes: [] - target: "createReview" verb: "MUTATION" secured: true scopes: [] - target: "reviewAdded" verb: "SUBSCRIPTION" secured: true scopes: []
To deploy the API, we need a valid access token issued by an identity provider (IdP). Follow the Generate Access Token documentation to generate an access token.
After generating the token, you can deploy the GraphQL API with the command
curl --location 'https://<host>:9095/api/deployer/1.2.0/apis/deploy' \ --header 'Host: <host>' \ --header 'Authorization: bearer <access-token>' \ --form 'apkConfiguration=@"path/to/StarWars.apk-conf"' \ --form 'definitionFile=@"path/to/StarWarsAPI.graphql"'
curl -k --location '' \ --header 'Host:' \ --header 'Authorization: bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsICJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCAia2lkIjoiZ2F0ZXdheV9jZXJ0aWZpY2F0ZV9hbGlhcyJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJodHRwczovL2lkcC5hbS53c28yLmNvbS90b2tlbiIsICJzdWIiOiI0NWYxYzVjOC1hOTJlLTExZWQtYWZhMS0wMjQyYWMxMjAwMDIiLCAiZXhwIjoxNjg4MTMxNDQ0LCAibmJmIjoxNjg4MTI3ODQ0LCAiaWF0IjoxNjg4MTI3ODQ0LCAianRpIjoiMDFlZTE3NDEtMDA0Ni0xOGE2LWFhMjEtYmQwYTk4ZjYzNzkwIiwgImNsaWVudElkIjoiNDVmMWM1YzgtYTkyZS0xMWVkLWFmYTEtMDI0MmFjMTIwMDAyIiwgInNjb3BlIjoiZGVmYXVsdCJ9.RfKQq2fUZKZFAyjimvsPD3cOzaVWazabmq7b1iKYacqIdNjkvO9CQmu7qdtrVNDmdZ_gHhWLXiGhN4UTSCXv_n1ArDnxTLFBroRS8dxuFBZoD9Mpj10vYFSDDhUfFqjgMqtpr30TpDMfee1wkqB6K757ZSjgCDa0hAbv555GkLdZtRsSgR3xWcxPBsIozqAMFDCWoUCbgTQuA5OiEhhpVco2zv4XLq2sz--VRoBieO12C69KnGRmoLuPtvOayInvrnV96Tbt9fR0fLS2l1nvAdFzVou0SIf9rMZLnURLVQQYE64GR14m-cFRYdUI9vTsFHZBl5w-uCLdzMMofzZaLQ' \ --form 'apkConfiguration=@"/Users/user/StarWars.apk-conf"' \ --form 'definitionFile=@"/Users/user/StarWarsAPI.graphql"'
--- name: "StarWarsAPI" basePath: "/starwars" version: "1.0.0" type: "GRAPHQL" defaultVersion: false subscriptionValidation: false endpointConfigurations: production: endpoint: "http://graphql-faker-service:9002/graphql" operations: - target: "hero" verb: "QUERY" secured: true scopes: [] - target: "reviews" verb: "QUERY" secured: true scopes: [] - target: "search" verb: "QUERY" secured: true scopes: [] - target: "character" verb: "QUERY" secured: true scopes: [] - target: "droid" verb: "QUERY" secured: true scopes: [] - target: "human" verb: "QUERY" secured: true scopes: [] - target: "allHumans" verb: "QUERY" secured: true scopes: [] - target: "allDroids" verb: "QUERY" secured: true scopes: [] - target: "allCharacters" verb: "QUERY" secured: true scopes: [] - target: "starship" verb: "QUERY" secured: true scopes: [] - target: "createReview" verb: "MUTATION" secured: true scopes: [] - target: "reviewAdded" verb: "SUBSCRIPTION" secured: true scopes: []
Execute the command below. You will be able to see that the
API is successfully deployed.kubectl get apis
Invoking a GraphQL API¶
You will need a GraphQL backend in order to invoke the API and get a correct response. A sample backend for the GraphQL Star Wars API has been provided under this section.
Once your GraphQL API has been deployed, you can invoke it. The endpoint of the API would be /<apk-gateway-host>
For the above API, the base path is /starwars/1.0.0
, and if the gateway host is
so the API URL would be
A sample GraphQL call is provided below.
curl --location '' \
--header 'Host:' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token>' \
--data '{"query":"query hero ($episode: Episode) {\n hero (episode: $episode) {\n id\n name\n appearsIn\n }\n}","variables":{"episode":"NEWHOPE"}}' -k
As of now, WSO2 APK only supports QUERY and MUTATION operations for GraphQL.