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Configuring APIM-APK Agent

Agent can be configured in both ways.

  1. API Manager as the control plane for APK
  2. APK as a gateway to API Manager

Common Configurations

  1. Configure Control Plane(APIM) related configuration in APIM-APK Agent.

    Add following configuration to values.yaml file to provide control plane related configs to APIM-APK Agent. Here, need to provide the host of the APIM-APK Agent.

         enabled: true
         serviceURL: https://apim-wso2am-cp-1-service.apk.svc.cluster.local:9443/
         username: admin
         password: admin
         environmentLabels: Default
         skipSSLVerification: true
         eventListeningEndpoints: amqp://admin:[email protected]:5672?retries='10'&connectdelay='30'
  2. Configure Dataplane(APK Gateway) related configuration in APIM-APK Agent.

    Add following configuration to values.yaml file to provide dataplane related configs to APIM-APK Agent. Here, need to provide the host of the APK Gateway.

      enabled: true
      k8ResourceEndpoint: https://apk-wso2-apk-config-ds-service.apk.svc.cluster.local:9443/api/configurator/apis/generate-k8s-resources
      namespace: apk

API Manager as the control plane for APK

  1. Change the following configuration mode as below.

          mode: DPtoCP

APK as a gateway to API Manager

  1. Change the following configuration mode as below.

          mode: CPtoDP
serviceURL Service URL of the API Manager Control Plane
environmentLabels Gateway environment labels can be found under the environments section in the API Manager deployment TOML which sets up the APK gateway.
eventListeningEndpoints Event Listening Endpoint in the API Manager
Username and Password Admin credentials of the API Manager
k8ResourceEndpoint Config deployer service endpoint
namespace Namespace where APK is deployed
mode Mode to set up the agent