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API Manager Control Plane

Configuring API Manager Control Plane

API Manager can be configured in both ways.

  1. API Manager as the control plane for APK
  2. APK as a gateway to API Manager

API Manager as the control plane for APK

These are additional configuration to values.yaml file to provide control plane related configs to API Manager.

    ``` toml
        gatewayType: "APK"

        enablePortalConfigurationOnlyMode: true

    # -- APIM Gateway environments
            - name: "Default"
            type: "hybrid"
            provider: "wso2"
            gatewayType: "APK"
            displayInApiConsole: true
            description: "This is a hybrid gateway that handles both production and sandbox token traffic."
            showAsTokenEndpointUrl: true
            serviceName: "wso2am-gateway-service"
            servicePort: 9443
            wsHostname: ""
            httpHostname: ""
            websubHostname: ""

APK as a gateway to API Manager

  1. Configure supported gateway types in API Manager.

    Add following configuration to deployment.toml file to provide supported gateway types to API Manager. Here, need to provide the supported gateway types as APK.

        gateway_type = "Regular,APK"
        gateway_type = "APK"
  2. Change the default gateway environment if APK Only scenario.

    Add following configuration to deployment.toml file to provide APK gateway as the default gateway environment to API Manager. Here, need to provide the default gateway type as APK and other relevant configurations.

    name = "Default"
    type = "hybrid"
    gateway_type = "APK"
    provider = "wso2"
    display_in_api_console = true
    description = "This is a hybrid gateway that handles both production and sandbox token traffic."
    show_as_token_endpoint_url = true
    service_url = "https://localhost:${mgt.transport.https.port}/services/"
    username= "${admin.username}"
    password= "${admin.password}"
    http_endpoint = ""
    https_endpoint = ""