Quick Start Guide¶
This section is a step-by-step guide to creating, deploying, and invoking an API using the WSO2 API Platform For Kubernetes.
To set up the APK as an enterprise version, please follow the steps specified in the Install APK Enterprise section.
Before you begin...¶
Install the prerequisites that are required to run the WSO2 API Platform For Kubernetes.
If you already have an installation of the APK in your cluster, please remove the installation by following the steps specified in the Uninstall APK section.
Step 1 - Start WSO2 API Platform For Kubernetes¶
Follow the instructions below to deploy APK in the Kubernetes cluster.
Install APK¶
Create a new helm repository with the latest apk release using the following command. Let’s consider the
for this guide.helm repo add wso2apk https://github.com/wso2/apk/releases/download/1.2.0
Execute the following command to update the helm repositories.
helm repo update
Install the APK components and start WSO2 API Platform For Kubernetes. Consider
as the<chart-name>
for this guide. As the--version
of this command, use the version of the release you used in point 1 above. It will take a few minutes for the deployment to complete.
helm install apk wso2apk/apk-helm --version 1.2.0
helm install <chart-name> <repository-name>/apk-helm --version <version-of-APK>
To commence the installation while making use of the customization capabilities inherent in the values.yaml
file, follow the subsequent command format. Instructions in Customize Configurations will guide you through the process of acquiring the values.yaml
helm install apk wso2apk/apk-helm --version 1.2.0 -f values.yaml
helm install <chart-name> <repository-name>/apk-helm --version <version-of-APK> -f <path-to-values.yaml-file>
If you want to update the values of an existing APK installation, please execute the following helm upgrade
command. Use the --no-hooks
flag to disable the hooks available in the APK helm chart.
helm upgrade apk wso2apk/apk-helm --version 1.2.0 -f values.yaml --no-hooks
helm upgrade <chart-name> <repository-name>/apk-helm --version <version-of-APK> -f <path-to-values.yaml-file> --no-hooks
Verify the deployment¶
Now you can verify the deployment by executing the following command. You will see the status of the pods as follows once completed.
kubectl get pods
Except for the gateway-apim-admission
and gateway-apim-admission-patch
(which will run as soon as APK is installed and then complete), all other pods should transition to the running state. If they have not, please refer the FAQs to troubleshoot the problem.
Step 2 - Create the Backend¶
For this guide, we will be using a backend deployed in a Kubernetes service. Prior to invoking the API, you will need to have this backend up.
You can create the sample backend with the following command.
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wso2/apk/main/developer/tryout/samples/qsg-sample-backend.yaml
Wait for this pod to spin up. You can check its status using the following command.
kubectl get pods
Step 3 - Create and Deploy the API¶
- Download and save the sample EmployeeServiceDefinition.json file. This is the OAS definition of the API that we are going to deploy in APK.
Add a hostname mapping to the
file as follows.IP Domain name api.am.wso2.com idp.am.wso2.com default.gw.wso2.com
(Optional) To access the deployment through your local machine
- Identify the
external IP address.kubectl get svc | grep gateway-service
- Port forward router service to localhost.
kubectl port-forward svc/apk-wso2-apk-gateway-service 9095:9095
Generate APK configuration file from the OpenAPI definition¶
Apart from the above API definition file, we also need an apk-conf
file that defines the configurations and metadata for this API. We have a configuration service that can be used to generate this apk-conf file when the OpenAPI definition is provided.
Execute the following request to generate the APK configuration. Use the values provided in the table below in the body of your request.
Field Value definition EmployeeServiceDefinition.json
file that was downloaded at the beginning of Step 3curl -k --location 'https://api.am.wso2.com:9095/api/configurator/1.2.0/apis/generate-configuration' \ --header 'Host: api.am.wso2.com' \ --form 'definition=@"/Users/user/EmployeeServiceDefinition.json"'
--- name: "EmployeeServiceAPI" basePath: "/RW1wbG95ZWVTZXJ2aWNlQVBJMy4xNA" version: "3.14" type: "REST" defaultVersion: false endpointConfigurations: production: endpoint: "http://employee-service:8080" operations: - target: "/employees verb: "GET" secured: true scopes: [] - target: "/employee" verb: "POST" secured: true scopes: [] - target: "/employee/{employeeId}" verb: "PUT" secured: true scopes: [] - target: "/employee/{employeeId}" verb: "DELETE" secured: true scopes: []
curl --location 'https://<host>:9095/api/configurator/1.2.0/apis/generate-configuration' \ --header 'Host: <host>' \ --form 'apiType="<api-type>"' \ --form 'definition=@"<path/to/EmployeeServiceDefinition.json>"'
You will get the apk-conf file content as the response. Save this content into a file named
. You can edit these values as necessary. Let's change the basepath from the autogenerated value to "/employees-info". Your apk-conf file should now appear as follows.
name: "EmployeeServiceAPI"
basePath: "/employees-info"
version: "3.14"
type: "REST"
defaultVersion: false
endpoint: "http://employee-service:8080"
- target: "/employees"
verb: "GET"
secured: true
scopes: []
- target: "/employee"
verb: "POST"
secured: true
scopes: []
- target: "/employee/{employeeId}"
verb: "PUT"
secured: true
scopes: []
- target: "/employee/{employeeId}"
verb: "DELETE"
secured: true
scopes: []
We recommend installing the APK Config Language Support Visual Studio Code (VS Code) extension to edit the APK Configuration file.
Generate an access token to invoke APIs¶
To invoke the system APIs such as for deploying, we need a valid access token issued by an identity provider (IdP). While APK supports third-party IdPs such as Asgardeo and Auth0, it also supports an inbuilt non-production identity provider as well, which is only meant for testing purposes. We are going to use the non-production inbuilt IdP for this guide.
If you are using a different organization to the one used in this guide, you will have to create a TokenIssuer with the relevant organization name in APK before proceeding to the next step. You can use the Add Token Issuer to create a new token issuer.
We will be using the client credentials grant type to generate the token.
curl -k --location 'https://idp.am.wso2.com:9095/oauth2/token' \ --header 'Host: idp.am.wso2.com' \ --header 'Authorization: Basic NDVmMWM1YzgtYTkyZS0xMWVkLWFmYTEtMDI0MmFjMTIwMDAyOjRmYmQ2MmVjLWE5MmUtMTFlZC1hZmExLTAyNDJhYzEyMDAwMg==' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \ --data-urlencode 'grant_type=client_credentials' \ --data-urlencode 'scope=apk:api_create'
{"access_token":"eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsICJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCAia2lkIjoiZ2F0ZXdheV9jZXJ0aWZpY2F0ZV9hbGlhcyJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJodHRwczovL2lkcC5hbS53c28yLmNvbS90b2tlbiIsICJzdWIiOiI0NWYxYzVjOC1hOTJlLTExZWQtYWZhMS0wMjQyYWMxMjAwMDIiLCAiZXhwIjoxNjg4MTMxNDQ0LCAibmJmIjoxNjg4MTI3ODQ0LCAiaWF0IjoxNjg4MTI3ODQ0LCAianRpIjoiMDFlZTE3NDEtMDA0Ni0xOGE2LWFhMjEtYmQwYTk4ZjYzNzkwIiwgImNsaWVudElkIjoiNDVmMWM1YzgtYTkyZS0xMWVkLWFmYTEtMDI0MmFjMTIwMDAyIiwgInNjb3BlIjoiZGVmYXVsdCJ9.RfKQq2fUZKZFAyjimvsPD3cOzaVWazabmq7b1iKYacqIdNjkvO9CQmu7qdtrVNDmdZ_gHhWLXiGhN4UTSCXv_n1ArDnxTLFBroRS8dxuFBZoD9Mpj10vYFSDDhUfFqjgMqtpr30TpDMfee1wkqB6K757ZSjgCDa0hAbv555GkLdZtRsSgR3xWcxPBsIozqAMFDCWoUCbgTQuA5OiEhhpVco2zv4XLq2sz--VRoBieO12C69KnGRmoLuPtvOayInvrnV96Tbt9fR0fLS2l1nvAdFzVou0SIf9rMZLnURLVQQYE64GR14m-cFRYdUI9vTsFHZBl5w-uCLdzMMofzZaLQ", "token_type":"Bearer", "expires_in":3600, "scope":"apk:api_create"}
curl --location 'https://<host>:9095/oauth2/token' \ --header 'Host: <host>' \ --header 'Authorization: Basic <Base64Encoded(clientId:clientSecret)>' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \ --data-urlencode 'grant_type=client_credentials' --data-urlencode 'scope=apk:api_create'
These credentials and access tokens are from the inbuilt non-production sample application, and should only be used for testing purposes.
Now you can use this access token to invoke the Resources and APIs that follow.
Deploy the API in APK¶
You now have the API Definition (EmployeeServiceDefinition.json
) and the apk-conf file (EmployeeService.apk-conf
) corresponding to the API. We can use these files to deploy the API in APK.
Use the values provided in the table below in the body of your request.
Field Value Required apkConfiguration EmployeeService.apk-conf
filedefinitionFile EmployeeServiceDefinition.json
file -
Set the access token in the Authorization header as a bearer token. This is the access token received by following the steps under the "Generate an access token to invoke APIs" section above.
Once the backend service you created is up and running, execute the API deployment request. You will receive a successful response with an autogenerated id for the API.
curl -k --location 'https://api.am.wso2.com:9095/api/deployer/1.2.0/apis/deploy' \ --header 'Host: api.am.wso2.com' \ --header 'Authorization: bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsICJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCAia2lkIjoiZ2F0ZXdheV9jZXJ0aWZpY2F0ZV9hbGlhcyJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJodHRwczovL2lkcC5hbS53c28yLmNvbS90b2tlbiIsICJzdWIiOiI0NWYxYzVjOC1hOTJlLTExZWQtYWZhMS0wMjQyYWMxMjAwMDIiLCAiZXhwIjoxNjg4MTMxNDQ0LCAibmJmIjoxNjg4MTI3ODQ0LCAiaWF0IjoxNjg4MTI3ODQ0LCAianRpIjoiMDFlZTE3NDEtMDA0Ni0xOGE2LWFhMjEtYmQwYTk4ZjYzNzkwIiwgImNsaWVudElkIjoiNDVmMWM1YzgtYTkyZS0xMWVkLWFmYTEtMDI0MmFjMTIwMDAyIiwgInNjb3BlIjoiZGVmYXVsdCJ9.RfKQq2fUZKZFAyjimvsPD3cOzaVWazabmq7b1iKYacqIdNjkvO9CQmu7qdtrVNDmdZ_gHhWLXiGhN4UTSCXv_n1ArDnxTLFBroRS8dxuFBZoD9Mpj10vYFSDDhUfFqjgMqtpr30TpDMfee1wkqB6K757ZSjgCDa0hAbv555GkLdZtRsSgR3xWcxPBsIozqAMFDCWoUCbgTQuA5OiEhhpVco2zv4XLq2sz--VRoBieO12C69KnGRmoLuPtvOayInvrnV96Tbt9fR0fLS2l1nvAdFzVou0SIf9rMZLnURLVQQYE64GR14m-cFRYdUI9vTsFHZBl5w-uCLdzMMofzZaLQ' \ --form 'apkConfiguration=@"/Users/user/EmployeeService.apk-conf"' \ --form 'definitionFile=@"/Users/user/EmployeeServiceDefinition.json"'
--- id: "3940857a942e08686e58b511d43d046a7168281e" name: "EmployeeServiceAPI" basePath: "/employees-info" version: "3.14" type: "REST" defaultVersion: false endpointConfigurations: production: endpoint: "http://employee-service:8080" operations: - target: "/employees" verb: "GET" secured: true scopes: [] - target: "/employee" verb: "POST" secured: true scopes: [] - target: "/employee/{employeeId}" verb: "PUT" secured: true scopes: [] - target: "/employee/{employeeId}" verb: "DELETE" secured: true scopes: []
curl --location 'https://<host>:9095/api/deployer/1.2.0/apis/deploy' \ --header 'Host: <host>' \ --header 'Authorization: bearer <access-token>' \ --form 'apkConfiguration=@"path/to/EmployeeService.apk-conf"' \ --form 'definitionFile=@"path/to/EmployeeServiceDefinition.json"'
Execute the command below. You will be able to see that the
is successfully deployed as shown in the image.kubectl get apis
Step 4 - Invoke the API¶
Now the API is ready to be invoked. Let’s get the list of employees by invoking the /employees
resource in the EmployeeServiceAPI
Execute the following request to invoke the API. Make sure to provide the access token obtained in the previous step under Generate an access token to invoke APIs section as the
header in this request.curl -k --location 'https://default.gw.wso2.com:9095/employees-info/3.14/employees' \ --header 'Host: default.gw.wso2.com' \ --header 'Authorization: bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsICJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCAia2lkIjoiZ2F0ZXdheV9jZXJ0aWZpY2F0ZV9hbGlhcyJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJodHRwczovL2lkcC5hbS53c28yLmNvbS90b2tlbiIsICJzdWIiOiI0NWYxYzVjOC1hOTJlLTExZWQtYWZhMS0wMjQyYWMxMjAwMDIiLCAiZXhwIjoxNjg4MTMxNDQ0LCAibmJmIjoxNjg4MTI3ODQ0LCAiaWF0IjoxNjg4MTI3ODQ0LCAianRpIjoiMDFlZTE3NDEtMDA0Ni0xOGE2LWFhMjEtYmQwYTk4ZjYzNzkwIiwgImNsaWVudElkIjoiNDVmMWM1YzgtYTkyZS0xMWVkLWFmYTEtMDI0MmFjMTIwMDAyIiwgInNjb3BlIjoiZGVmYXVsdCJ9.RfKQq2fUZKZFAyjimvsPD3cOzaVWazabmq7b1iKYacqIdNjkvO9CQmu7qdtrVNDmdZ_gHhWLXiGhN4UTSCXv_n1ArDnxTLFBroRS8dxuFBZoD9Mpj10vYFSDDhUfFqjgMqtpr30TpDMfee1wkqB6K757ZSjgCDa0hAbv555GkLdZtRsSgR3xWcxPBsIozqAMFDCWoUCbgTQuA5OiEhhpVco2zv4XLq2sz--VRoBieO12C69KnGRmoLuPtvOayInvrnV96Tbt9fR0fLS2l1nvAdFzVou0SIf9rMZLnURLVQQYE64GR14m-cFRYdUI9vTsFHZBl5w-uCLdzMMofzZaLQ'
[ { "id": "1234123", "name": "Mrs. Heily Feyers", "department": "IT" }, { "id": "23451234", "name": "Mr. Brendon MacSmith", "department": "Sales" }, { "id": "34561234", "name": "Mr. Peter Queenslander", "department": "IT" }, { "id": "45671243", "name": "Miss. Liza MacAdams", "department": "Finance" } ]
curl --location 'https://<host>:9095/<basePath>/3.14/employees' \ --header 'Host: <host>' \ --header 'Authorization: bearer <access-token>'
You will now be able to see a successful response with the details of the employees from the mock backend that we used for this guide.
To invoke the APIs, we need a valid access token issued by an identity provider (IdP). APK supports third-party IdPs such as Asgardeo and Auth0. Refer Configure IDP.
If you encounter any issues during the installation process, don't worry! We've compiled a list of frequently asked questions (FAQs) to help you troubleshoot common problems. Please refer to the FAQs section in this guide for step-by-step solutions to common installation issues.