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APK Data Plane

Configuring APK Data Plane

The agent can be configured in the following ways.

  1. API Manager as the control plane for APK
  2. APK as a gateway to API Manager

API Manager as the control plane for APK

  1. APK related configurations

    Add the following configuration to the values.yaml file.

                enableApiPropagation: true
                enabledSubscription: true
                host: "apim-apk-agent-service.apk.svc.cluster.local"
                skipSSLVerification: true
                            skipSSLVerification: false
                            hostnameVerifier: "AllowAll"

APK as a gateway to API Manager

  1. Configure Control Plane related configuration in Common Controller

    Add the following configuration to the common-log-conf file to provide control plane related configs to common-controller. Here, the host of the APIM-APK Agent should be provided.

            enabled = true
            host = "apim-apk-agent-service.apk.svc.cluster.local"
            skipSSLVerification = true
  2. Disable Hostname Verification for JWKS endpoint in APK Gateway.(Optional)

    Add the following configuration to disable SSL/hostname verification to JWKS validation call in enforcer in log-conf.yaml.

            skipSSL = false
            hostnameVerifier = "AllowAll"